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Northwind Social Media is led by serial entrepreneur, Nicole Goodman.  Born and raised in Orlando, Florida, she has a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Organizational Behavior from Rollins College.  She spent most of her early career in secondary education, working as a teacher, an advisor, and an expert in Career Services.

Once she married the love of her life, George, her foray into becoming a business owner became a reality.  She usually had a “crazy” idea, and George would figure out how to make it happen!  Together, they owned a breakfast food truck and a vintage sales business in Orlando. Working in these two fields was the start of Nicole’s love affair with social media, constantly wanting to learn more and grow their businesses. 

After a trip to Alaska in 2015, they were struck by the beauty of the 49th state.  Not knowing how or when they would get back there, they just knew it was their destiny.  They took a gamble in 2017 to work seasonally in Skagway, Alaska.  From their first night in town, they knew they were home.  Nicole was inspired by the beauty and wildlife that surround them, which led to their next business venture - Off Your Beaten Path Photography.  This is where her social media really flourished, allowing her to connect with people all over the world through the storytelling of her images!

Fast forward to August 2019, Nicole and George bought a house in Skagway, making their move a more permanent one.  It was time to put down roots in Alaska…so they created Klondike Electric Bicycles – an electric bike rental and tour company scheduled to open in May 2020.  And then Covid-19 happened.  The cruise season was cancelled and their “built-in” cruise audience did not exist.  Instead of just being defeated, they started to build a gift shop, one vendor at a time. Without any visitors in Skagway, social media was the key to promoting their shop locally and beyond.

So, why Northwind Social Media?

According to Wikipedia, the north wind is a wind that originates in the north and blows in a southward direction. The north wind has had historical and literal significance, since it often signals cold weather and seasonal change in the Northern hemisphere.

After the events of the pandemic over the last year, many businesses have had to change the way they do business.  Just like the north wind, it is time to change!  For some, social media is a world they have never had to worry about because they had a “built-in” audience.  Social media can be overwhelming and it does take work!  It does not happen overnight…and success looks different than what you might imagine at times.  Social media is about not being afraid to try new things, which is why this is naturally the next step in our journey!

Whether you are looking for a total take over of your social media accounts, need help building a blog, have no idea what a hashtag is or how they work, or you just need some coaching, Northwind Social Media is here to help!

Investing in your company can sometimes by scary, especially in these unpredictable times.  However, I can assure you that building your social media presence is imperative to helping your company grow and succeed. 

Let me help you succeed!  Click the button below to send me a message!  Let’s get Social!